Thursday, October 10, 2019

Entry#10 failure

Black and white color my life in gray.
Gray has endless possibilities: gray red, gray blue, gray green. Tobacco is burning and life is leaking.Ash has a bitter taste that we usually know it  then we get addicted to it . Just like life: the older we become, the more we get attached to it ...
for that I leave it at the height of flare up .. But why? It's a failure again. The misery will never end!
No one knows the meaning of suffering except those who have tried it
No one can tell you what is the meaning of pain unless  they felt it  before
No one can tell you about failure as much as someone who has tasted it
 Disappointment and failure are the most things that express me right now
After moving to the United States three years ago, I do not really feel that I have achieved anything
Three years were more than enough for me to be on the list of the best Iraqi broadcasters, with the experts' prior appreciation from 2013_2016
 It was enough to be one of the most beloved individuals for the public
But now nothing is ever mentioned just the fact that my social life has turned from an effective person with people and society in general,to someone isolated from the world does not want to do anything just want to  complete my  day at work, which i don't like basically  just to go back home and finish my homework
This is the pinnacle of failure  and frustration for me

Entry#9 food waste

The phenomenon of food waste is increasing from year to year  .The waste of food is intended to mean public waste in restaurants, homes and everywhere ,the reasons are simple and may be trivial , its all about buying  more food than what family members need
This is called waste in food because in the end this food will be spoiled and thrown into the container
lets think of it from another perspective. This waste  of food may be a saturated meal for a poor person who has not tasted any food for days.

This short video gives even a simple idea of what hunger means and how children around the world die
Due to famine, poverty, extreme fatigue, diseases and epidemics due to malnutrition

on the other side of the world  , tons of containers filled with food are thrown
Almost 40 percent of foods are wasted in US states every year i believe this is a very large number of waste
There is no magic solutions to get rid of all the wrong habits that we practice in our lives, but we can try to reduce them
First, we must get rid of the habit of wasting food and start buying less food that will be just enough
 for family members
and If there is a surplus, it is better to donate it to the companies that involved in distributing food to  poor people and homeless's

Entry#8 the revolution

#Hello world, there are people making revolution now , an Iraqi Show your support for right of lraqi people to protest peacefully!
this words was Repeated by the Iraqi people who live outside the country since the beginning of the martyrs' revolution in the first of October 2019. The revolution of the Iraqi people began peacefully and continues
Young people in Iraq demanded their most basic rights they want a homeland where they live in peace and security,they want their most basic rights, such as the provision of safe water, electricity, job opportunities for graduates, and the elimination of rampant corruption in the country and the government in particular.
Iraq 's money and goods looted and stolen since the fall of the former regime 16 years ago Iraq' s bounties are distributed equally between the dictators of Iraq and Iran and other countries
The youth of the revolution went out to their revolution and had only the banner of Iraq with the flag of the great Iraq
 But the government and its followers from neighboring countries did not respond to their demands. They started firing live ammunition.
The youth of the revolution started broadcasting their videos on in their Facebook and
hence the role of every Iraqi living abroad we started supporting them by delivering their message to the world. by sharing their videos. The electronic revolution began two days after the actual revolution that began in Iraq
the government decided to shut down the Internet for the entire Iraqi people to keep their mouths silent, but that was not the end.
 The demonstrators founded some solutions to deliver what is happening in Iraq of random shooting and torture of the demonstrators,through Snapchat by establishing an accounts where they can film and record everything and then they contacted a person from their relatives or friends abroad and give them the name and the password of the account and they were able to open the same account and share all the videos that its been already saved in it through this way we began to see the most vicious opponents of the dead And wounded in the streets of Iraq
But to no avail because the number of martyrs began to increase and the wounded by thousands, all of them are teenagers , so the Iraqis abroad decided to go out and sit in front of the Iraqi embassies
abroad,with them banners demanding to save young people from death and stop the killing and hear the demands of the demonstrators
Demonstrations took place in all countries in Europe and in the US even they went out and demonstrated in front of the White House
hoping that the US government will intervene and stop the killings that take place in Iraq.But unfortunately the whole world stands by as if it is an interesting movie and they do not want to have an end for it because they liked it very much
This is the case of my country now demonstrations everywhere and young people are killed without pity and no mercy

Monday, October 7, 2019

Entry #7 Fresh

It is not the habit of humans to ask about the details of the things they are accustomed to, rather the basic things in their lives such as eating , drinking and what are the actual sources of these substances consumed daily

But when technology began to enter the homes of all human beings, it became easy to identify the secret of many things, including the sources of food consumed all over the world

A simple documentary can summarize all the questions and this is what really happened with a fresh film that highlighted a lot of special points in the field of food and its sources and how large factories played a big role in increasing the proportion of sales of livestock and poultry by injecting certain hormones to increase the size of these Livestock thus becomes a great demand from the consumer

 But on the other side this film also talked about the importance of raising animals in the old healthy way that does not harm animals or vegetables and therefore do not harm the consumer, but these farms that use the traditional method are few because they are expensive on farmers and on the consumer as well

 But at the same time the consumer has become more aware of the above, so the demand for organic products has become greater in recent years because the consumers  has realized that if they  continues to eat foods full of hormones it will reflect on their  bodes  and health at some point 
The idea of ​​this film is clear and explicit . is to encourage the restoration of the old way, even if its expensive, but it is not harmful to the environment or human nature