Sunday, September 1, 2019

Entry #1 the Constitution

The United States of America is one of the most important democratic countries in the world, guaranteed by the Constitution of the real guarantees for the American citizen in the area of ​​freedom and rights, this Constitution is one of the oldest constitutions of the world As it has not been changed and modified only twenty-six times, The first ten were amended after writing the constitution  in two years  in 1787, which is considered by some as a document Rights , because these amendments guarantee and protect the freedom of the American citizen, However, these constitutional guarantees have been subject to abuses by the executive branch from time to time as they issue some laws that impede human rights and public freedoms human rights in the American Constitution and guarantees of protection at certain times and for many reasons such as a state of war or declaration of a state of emergency because of a threat to national security American .

      The first sentence has been written in the Constitution, we the people, Questions about this constitution began since it was writing in 1787, Is this constitution that will guarantee the rights for everyone in this country, or it is just words written on paper and will not be implemented by everyone and who is (we) and how we can belong to the category of we, who are actually protected by this law. When constitutions is written, there are usually things that are unacceptable to people, which may make them feel that they do not belong to their country simply because they have been deprived of their most basic rights. If we will begin to study the historical development of equal rights in the Constitution We will find many of the previously lost rights, especially for African Americans
Some considered them to be a second class in society and they were so evocative that they did not have the right to vote even

Until 1965, parts of the constitution were amended to guarantee rights for all.We will find that the Constitution evolved significantly over the first years of writing, and there have been several amendments to it and the most important of these amendments is the amendment 14, which emphasized the concept of equal rights concepts (All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. There are still problems for equal rights today, there are states that prevent the US citizen from voting, and Kentucky is the first on this list, it Prevent rebel citizens or criminals from voting, under the amended law mentioned in the Constitution (except for participation in rebellion or other crime) (Amendment 14). Many considered this as a crime against humanity and the right to be US citizens with all rights equally with other citizens,

They considered that this was taken from their freedoms in their country. And in the same context with regard to voting, before the 19th century, women had limited political rights.

 They were seen as followers of their husbands and had no property of their own, and the despicable deeds were inflicted on them. By the middle of the 19th century, women had become more politically organized. This was achieved after a long struggle led by (Susan B. Anthony) and (Tramit Cady Santanon)

 and then the 19 amendment was approved in 1920, which guaranteed the right of women to vote. Then came 1991, 1991, to allow women to sue employers in small and medium enterprises for damages caused by sexual harassment or any other harm against women in work . From here women began to feel good and they were equal in rights and duties with the rest of the community and even became very powerful and influential in society, This is clear evidence of the evolution of the US Constitution in an effective and positive way for all members of society or for the category that was considered a vulnerable group in the country, On the other hand, the study of the history of the development of equal rights in the law,   in 2004, the same-sex marriage was approved by law.

 It is estimated that homosexuals account for 10% of the total adult population in the United States,   This large minority has resisted racial discrimination very much in all aspects of life; some states approved the marriage, which led to a congressional decision in 1986. States that sexual relations between the two sexes at the age of cognition is a crime and punishable by law. 

 President Bill Clinton and during his first presidential campaign in 1990 called for giving some freedom to homosexuals, without fear or pressure from society , After this discourse, the development  progressive  of the rights of this group began in society, but in a very simple way , Until the final decision came in 2004  ,This group of society was suffering from their non-acceptance into society ,And that they have no rights to freely choose their life the way they like, that’s why the law was passed, and their marriage was approved and given full freedoms and rights. But this amendment to the law did not appeal to many people; they started demonstrating in California in 2008 to prevent this decision.  Many of them thought that this decision would be a bad decision for society because it would actually end humanity in one way or another. Because the multiplication of humans is actually male and female, that’s why we saw these demonstrations in the streets of California.  But all these amended laws over the years have been and continue to support minorities against the rule of the majority, gave them their rights in full in proportion to being citizens with all the, freedom and all the privileges as any citizen with US citizenship no one or any country has the right to deprive any right of this Citizen. One Of the rights granted to people who are not holders of American nationality .The rights granted to the illegal Mexicans who entered Texas in the 1950s, illegally,

 when the Texas schools became overcrowded with Mexican students, Texas asked students to prove they were legitimate in the country or to pay 1,000 per student, but after reviewing the Constitution, Amendment 14, Which states that all those in the United States have the same rights as non-US citizens. This was the biggest pro-Mexican decision, which entered the country illegally.They were able to complete their lives legally, because they are protected by the Constitution as a person’s.  To this day there are many things that are incomprehensible or that we should be more deeply aware of in the constitution. Questions are still present in many cases. It is known that people do not usually meet the same priorities and rules in life. But everyone agreed that after the great amendments the constitution has proved that it is one of the greatest constitutions that supports the citizens and gives them the power and freedom to express their views and problems in a very civilized way without any pressure or restriction of opinions. Every person found on this country is protected by the unites states law. And by the Constitution ,the Constitution of (we the people).      

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